Support and training
BHFCABrighton and Hove Foster Care Association is an independent group of foster carers who have joined together to form an Association which is linked to the national Fostering Network.
Intensive Foster PlacementsSome children and young people do have very complex needs and in order to maximise their opportunity to achieve a permanent and stable family lifestyle, their foster carers will require an enhanced package of support. The purpose of Intensive Foster Placements (IFP) is to provide lasting stability for these young people. An IFP may be seen as the child or young person’s best opportunity for a stable, ongoing family placement.
Request for respite provision provided by family and friendsForm to request respite provision provided by family and friends
Respite careRespite care has a crucial role to play in sustaining the placements of looked after children and giving necessary breaks to carers and their families, however the paramount needs of the looked after child must always be borne in mind. This chapter clarifies the Trust’s responsibilities and its expectations of carers, and that respite care payments should be fair.
Support to Council employees who fosterFor employees who become approved foster carers for Brighton and Hove City Council a comprehensive package of support is already provided. In addition flexibility at work can be enhanced to improve the balance of your job and foster caring responsibilities.
Support to foster carersThis sections outlines support services for carers, with a diagram at the end of the chapter on support available. If you have further suggestions for improving support services these would be welcome and can be discussed with your supervising social worker and/or by contacting the managers of the team you work for.
Training for foster carersWe provide a comprehensive annual training programme to help carers develop skills and knowledge and increase their confidence in caring for a range of children. As fostering is moving towards an even more professional service to children and families in crisis, carers need regular training to support them in their complex work.