Emotional Health

Where can I find help?

There are a numer of resources that can help UASC young people and children and their carers:

The Fostering Service

We can provide sleep packs for young people – ask your Supervising Social Worker.

The Sleep Project run by Christ Church University of Kent

May be helpful for young people experiencing difficulties; please click here for information.

The Separated Children Project

Runs a number of projects aimed at providing emotional, social, financial and physical support to separated children and young People in Britain up to the age of 21.  https://separatedchild.org

Refugee Radio’s Mental Health Group

For refugees and asylum seekers.  New people can join This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 01273 234868.


There are a number of resources that can help, please click the links below to download:

Young Minds have information on how to support a young person who has experienced racism. Please click in the following link:
