Staying Put Living Together Agreement

February 2016

Introduction and Purpose

The “Staying Put Living Together Agreement” meeting takes place shortly before the young person’s 18th birthday. It should always include the Staying Put carer, the young person and their Social Worker. It can also include the carer’s Supervising Social Worker.

Its purpose is for the young person and carer to agree practical arrangements, identify their expectations of each other and the likely differences between the former foster placement and the new Staying Put arrangement. Many expectations will be similar to those when the young person was fostered but some may be different.

These may arise immediately or emerge as the young person moves into adulthood.

As the young person and carer have been living together for some time and know each other well, the meeting should be an informal discussion covering the themes listed below. This is not exhaustive and other topics can be added, discussed and agreed.

It’s important this discussion is recorded and carer, young person and Social Worker have a copy of what has been agreed.

Staying Put Living Together Agreement

Record of Meeting on…………………….

Topic for discussion

Summary of discussion and agreement

Preparation for independence (eg budgeting, cooking, washing, ironing)
Does young person have their own key)

Level of support provided by the carer, both personal and practical

Financial arrangements (including having credit cards, loan agreements, mobile phone contracts registered at the address)

Further Education (clarify support required from carer/college and understanding of bursaries available)

Employment and Training (clarify – how to apply for jobs, developing job skills, where to go for advice)

Health (does young person have their Health Passport, do they know where to go for health advice)

Leisure (what’s in place to encourage leisure activities)

Friends and partners visiting and staying over

Time spent staying away for nights and/or weekends and informing carers of whereabouts

Issues related to younger foster children in placement

Move-on plans

Young Person ……………………Signed ……………… Date …………………

Staying Put Carer ………………  Signed ……………… Date …………………

Social Worker ……………………Signed ……………… Date …………………


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