The Brighton & Hove Pledge
All councils in England have made a Pledge (a set of promises) that set out the support and care they will give children and young people in their care. These promises also make clear what can be expected in return. The Brighton & Hove Pledge has been drawn up with the help of young people from the Listen Up Care Council and the 16 Plus Advisory Board. The success of the Pledge will be checked during care and pathway plan reviews of children and young people in care and care leavers.
Everyone has talent!
We will recognise your strengths & interests by:
- Watching how you are doing
- Knowing what’s going well for you
- Looking at your options with you
- Providing you with good role models
- Respecting your culture and beliefs
- Supporting you to do things you enjoy in your free time
Everyone needs encouragement
We will encourage you to aim high by:
- Knowing what your strengths and interests are
- Knowing what you do well
- Knowing what you need to improve on
- Helping you achieve what you are aiming for
- Being involved in planning your education
Everyone needs help… sometimes
We will support you to succeed, by helping you to have:
- good childcare when you are little
- help at home and school
- extra help with school work from a tutor if you need one.
- help with computers
- good quality assistance
Everyone needs to feel good
We will recognise your achievements by:
- Appreciating what you have done
- Providing a small reward
- Helping you build on your success
- Holding an awards ceremony
Everyone can give their views
We will make sure you can say what you want to say:
- Listening carefully to your opinions, wishes and feelings
- Seriously considering your ideas
- Explaining our decisions
It’s your life... it’s your Review
We will make sure you are able to take part in meetings about you by:
- Helping you to chair meetings about yourself
- Asking you beforehand what you want to say and how you want to say it.
- Making sure that an Independent Reviewing Officer meets with you to plan your Review.
Making a complaint should sort it out!
We will make sure you have help if you have a suggestion or want to
make a complaint by:
- Making it easy to tell the council what you think
- Making it easier to make a suggestion or a complaint
- Making it easy to ask for an Advocate to help you make your opinion heard
- Properly investigating your suggestions and complaints and telling you what we are going to do about them.
Help the bosses understand
We will make sure you can tell those people in charge what you think about the services you receive by:
- Inviting you to take part in the Listen Up Care Council and the 16 Plus Advisory Board
- Giving you the chance to put your ideas to councillors and the Director of Children’s Services
Everyone needs to feel secure
We will try to keep you safe by:
- Helping you understand what a social worker does.
- Making sure you have a social worker and you know how to contact them
- Making sure your social worker visits you regularly and has time to listen to what you want to say
- Making sure you have an up to date Care Plan that spells out what you need
- Finding carers for you who will look after you if you can’t live with your family
Everyone can feel healthy
We will support you to be fit and well by:
- Talking about any health worries you may have
- Knowing what you need and making plans for improving your health
- Offering advice and support
- Offering health appointments when you need them
- Keeping a record of how your health improves
Everyone needs support at times
We will support your emotional health and well being by:
- Helping you keep in touch with people who are important to you
- Helping you understand your life story and what has happened to you in the past
- Listening to your worries
- Making sure you have the support you need
- Supporting you to take part in sport, activities and outings that you enjoy
And when you are older....
Everyone has questions
We will support you into adult life by:
- Guaranteeing you have your own Personal Adviser who will help you move from living in care to adult life
- Ensuring you have good information, advice and guidance
- Helping you consider job, training, apprenticeship, college and university opportunities
Your place or mine?
We will help you to move on to a place that is right for you by:
- Helping you find a suitable place to live
- Helping you to find somewhere of your own when you are ready
Everyone can make good choices
We will try to help you be healthy as you become older and more independent by:
- Helping you to use health services
- Providing you with information and practical help on how to keep yourself well
- Supporting you with sexual health advice and contraception
- If you smoke, helping you to stop
- Work with you if you use alcohol or drugs to find the help that you need to stop
Give us a wave!
We will continue to support you by:
- Making sure you have a Pathway Plan that sets out what help and support you need as you become an adult and move out of care
- Making sure you have a named worker who will be there to support you up to 21. Contact will depend upon the level of support you need.
- Staying in your care or supported housing accommodation until you are ready and able to move on.
If you are a child or young person in care and have anything to say about these promises then please talk about it with your social worker or carer. This Pledge will be reviewed regularly and your views will be important at these times
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