Renewing Foster Carer Checks
Following foster carer approval, there are a number of checks for each foster carer are required to be updated every three years. The checks in question are:
- DBS (formerly known as CRB)
- Medical
- Local Authority Safeguarding check
The Fostering Service monitor the dates for when the checks are due for renewal. Foster carers will be notified by letter prior to the check expiring (4 months beforehand).
Local Authority Safeguarding check and Medical Checks
When these checks are due for renewal, the forms will be sent with an explanatory letter to the foster carer. The foster carer will be required to complete the forms and return them the Fostering Service within 3 weeks of receipt in the FREEPOST envelope provided.
DBS check
DBS checks are now completed online and the Fostering Service will send you an email confirming when the renewal is due. The Fostering team will complete an initial online set up and email the instructions of how to access the check and what documents carers will need to verify their ID. The online form will need to be completed by the carer(s) and an ID verification can also be completed online. Alternatively carer(s) may need to make contact with the admin team on 01273 295444 or by email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to make an appointment to come into the office with required identification documents (as listed on the checklist ie passport, proof of address etc.)
When the check is completed, the carer will receive the DBS certificate in the post. The Fostering team will also get notified and check the outcome of the check via the online system too.
In addition:
Foster Carer Agreement
Foster carers also are expected to sign the Foster Carers’ Agreement annually along with their supervising social worker. For newly approved carers this is done on the first visit following approval. Subsequently it done at the time of the Foster Carer Annual Review. This document details the responsibilities and expectations of the foster carers and those of Brighton and Hove City Council towards the foster carer(s).
Home Health and Safety Check
An annual home Health and Safety check is carried out by the supervising social worker using a health and safety checklist. This generally takes place at the time of the Annual Review. Any issues are highlighted and advice and timescales for these to be rectified detailed.
Foster Carer Safe Caring Policy
Each fostering household has a Family Safe Caring Policy. The foster carers and supervising social worker complete this together. It is reviewed annually or at the time of a new placement. Information and advice is available in ‘Safer Caring - a new approach’ (Jacky Slade) published by Fostering Network.
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